Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy new year
Thursday, December 30, 2010
my own blog
Happy new year
May the spirit of this holiday season fill your heart with love, peace and serenity.
Wishing you many wishes for the New Year.
Have a great 2011
Happy new year 2011
for that I'm going to give you this song really it's too nice
I'm sure that you are going to like it when you hear it
I'll give you it with its lyrics.
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I
Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway...
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I
Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It's the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I
Monday, December 27, 2010
A letter for the teacher

Dear teacher :
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas: is a holiday celebrated by christian people to commemorate the birth of Jesus.It is celebrated on December,25.This celebration is caracterized by a group of people around a christmas dinner.Each place has its own christmas food.For instance,In france and Germany goose and pork are favored;whereas in England vegetables,potatoes,pork are served.Including candy,chocolates,cakes and diffirent alcoholic beverages.
During this feast,father christmas bring gifts to all children.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My Blog
This is my individual blog :
If you own a blog,just write it down to add you.
I am waiting your comments on my blog.
Hope I`ll read you soon.
Friday, December 17, 2010
that should be me
sad love
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Abilard and Heloise
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The computer
First , it helps student to find information about coursesand objects , also it can help them in researching in different other fields.
Second , it uses to emprove their writing and listening skills , so we can listen to conversations or speeches in order to ameliorate our pronounciation .
Finally , we can use it to have more freinds from different country of the world by chating and havig email boxes , and this is one way to master a lot of forein languages .
To conclude , internet is really helpfull way to go very higher.
Monday, December 6, 2010
A letter
228 street
Dear Ikram
It is a really pleasure for me to write this letter for you in which i will tell you what the weather will be likethe day you come and , what you shouldbring with you.
I want you to know that Algeriaisa hot country especially in summer therfore it is very hot and humide so we expect high temperature except at night it is cold , and asyou know Algerian nights get amazing so that people prefer to walking out forgeting all their day sorrows and , waching happily the wonderful sea scenary .
In the daytime it is very hot and i know that you like promenade a lot but no matter i will spend with you extraordinary time .Dont forget to bring with you light clouthes , hat , andifyou an umberella without forgeting sunglasses.
I am waiting you by eagerly patience take care see you in few months.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Introduction for : our college library.............

My news...
Introduction for the thesis :Our college library......books.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
show me
Show me the meaning of being... Show me the meaning of being lonely Is this the feeling i need to walk with Tell me why i can t be there where you are Is something misssing in my heart So many words for the broken heart It is hard to see in crimson love So hard to breathe walk with me and maybe Nights of light so soon become
There are things...
And if i demand it myself i can notttttttttt
And if you do them after i demand so it doesn t work
My girl is died...!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
If i can.................

If i can me if i can ..forget you and live freelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
If i can me ..restore the past of the forgotten game dayssssssssssss
I tell you i can !!but i cannot remove you from my heart tttttttttttt
Why i ,meet you today ..forget all..the world forget meeeeeeeeeeeee
Maybe neither your guilt nor mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Maybe we are like a game, our story was written and folded uppppp
Your family have slept and kept us on the chair forgetfulyyyyyyyyy
They have taken sleep and left us for tomorrow awakeningggggggg
We blaimed each other , satisfied and were patientttttttttttttttttttt
We became old and returned young restored forgotten storiessssss
Monday, November 29, 2010
A letter from to you!!!
228 Street
Ain Bessam Bouira
Dear Kheira :
It is a realy pleasure for me to write this letter for you in which i will describe my daily
life .
First of all , i want to inform you that i am kind girl that lives in a medeteranean country which is Algeria and as you know the Algerians are always funny they like joke but we should mension that they are intellegent as well . I live in small beautiful hous between tender parents an five brothers . Concerning me i am very curious girl who likes to discover all stranger things around her , i am lovely and lively girl whose dreamis is to be a teacher of English at the university and i want to develop my knowlege bit by bit .
yes i believe in this dream and i should not forget my parents efforts to encourage and push me to study by heart in order to realize my aim.
I like jokes and in order to make people laughing i used to make foolish gestures with my body and producing differents sounds with my voice , my secret is to put my two fingers in my nose and start singing in English , therefore i creat funny wether.
Finally , i would like to tell you how much i am happy to have freind like you .
Reguard ,
Sunday, November 28, 2010
something broke
I do not ask you who has failed or who has gaind
My sorrow goes on ...just in night pain forgets me
I am looking for forgetfullness in regret moments
For whom i complain the anguish of my heart who suffers injustice
It is difficult that the meloy softens in the absence of the string
If it remains from you to me a bit hope
I will be paient and i bear that no one can bear
But you felt tired and i fearfrom eariness a lot
For me the blaim is so lighter and how sweater is hunger
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Worhs in the ENS During the Academic Year
First of all, the workers confuse the teachers and the students by making noise that disconcert them. Moreover, they bother students with their tools, when they meet each other in the corridors. Students are also worried of any accident that can happen. Forexample, in many occasions, the painters stained students' clothes accidenly. An other important point, The view of the ENS became very bad. The courtyard is always untidy; sand, cement and tools everywhere.
In deed, works during the academic year discourages students and teachers.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
My point of view about the 2nd year.
Finally,it comes the both arabic modules which I hate too much.Even,I still don`t understand what`s the purpose of studying it.I can`t complain about the teachers because I really have a gap in understanding Arabic and I admit that.
As a conclusion,we have to profit as much as we can this year because on a whole we have good teachers.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What s up ???
Dont beljeve more because your best freind could turn over night and overnight , it is important to walk with sincere intention and good faith .
I am!!!!
I am kind , lovely , lively , charming hard , working , optimistic , and curious girl who likes to discover every stranger things around her.
I am girl who likes all people and who does not know hatred.
I am girl who helpes if she wasasked to do so.
I am girl who cries if she saw someone cries .
Friday, October 22, 2010
New website
Take this is website to send free messages from algeria to europe.For that,you have to do the inscription with your mail adress.Then,click on SMS icon.Next,enter the number phone of the receptionist and the content of the message.Finally,click on send.
Remark:for example if you want send a message to SFR or orange operator,insert the phone number directly without the country code.
For instance:0635448722 instead of 0033635448722
Don't retain this number phone please because it it just an example.
It is easy and it works.
Since this website exists,I use to spend less money on the phone.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
So this year seems more severe than the last one , we have to work day and night without a holiday with that it is not enough this is not ?
In my opinion in this world there is nothing more precious than study ; especially for girls .I wish all best for you my freinds .
Friday, October 15, 2010
The moment that I hate during the day is indeed night.I use to spend all my days laughing anytime as getting plastered,having a promenade between friends...etc.Let`s say I profit as much as I can but once I put my head on my pillow the questionnaire with myself start,then,I lose my sleep!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Benny Hinn - FIRE Falling on Kids (1)
Let's watch this video from the beginning to the end.
I don't know if this man is mocking about himself or about Jesus Christ by acting what Jesus was as a healer of humanity?His purpose is to take money from people I guess.How nuts man he is!
My friends what do you think about this video?
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Ellezza:cream based of slaver of snail

Ellezza is a cosmetic product based of slaver of snail.Ellezza is a natural cream which contents 86 % of extract of snail and 14 % of cream of base or excipients.
The cream Ellezza used by all people and has a miraculous effect to treat the acne, the stretch marks, the blackheads and also scars.We use it twice times:in the morning and in the evening.On two minutes,it absorbs the product.So,wa can apply our make up without any worry!Elezza changed life of many people who was living the hell due to many reasons such as scars and so on.If you want to try it,command it via internet for not being victim of the imitation which is disponible on the market.It is true that it costs too much exactly 80euro for a very small limp but it is worth to try it.Myself I am witness of this miraculous cream to treat the acne problems and a small scar at the neck and it works.The only thing that I can say I love Elezza!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
For that just write on facebook:Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bouzareah.
I am waiting for all of you.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
hi every body
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
good new!
I am shared on two:the urge to study just in the mornings or in the afternoons to come back home anytime and have much free time to do whatever I want.For instance,surfing in the web,have a promenade,a dring between friends..etc.And the urge to spend too much time at the Ens because it is the only place where I use to talk in English and try to improve my accent.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hi my friends
Please,could you tell me when will we do the registration at the ENS? As you know,we will retake our studies very soon.
Myself,in one side,I can't be bothered to retake studies because I get used to being such a couch potato.No worries during the whole vacation like studies and exams especially the stress.But in another side,I am happy thay years are going fast and very soon I will integrate in my professional life even if I need too much efforts to improve my English.And why not,if i'll be OK in English,I'll study other lges such as german or spanish as my farmer teacher did.
How is it good to see I am growing so fast!
Andyou my friends,how do you feel ?
Monday, September 6, 2010
Persuasive paragraph 2
In short,Canada is among the best countries for people who look for a good future and best life.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
How to paragraph
Teaching is not easy job as many people think.But being a good teacher is easy if you follow the steps above.
Firstly,you have to love this job because if you love what you do,you could succeed in your professional life.Secondly,you have to be in update of anything.For example:the new entrance in the dictionnary especially if you are teaching foreign languages.In addition,regularly readers.With only your knowledge you can dominate your students not by acting Itlere in class as many teachers do.Thirdly,be respectious in your behaviors and even your dresses.For example:the smock is obligatory for all teachers exept college teachers.
In short,being a good teacher is not miraculous.You have just to be a loyal teacher in order to be a good teacher.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Pro/Con (type of persuasive paragraph)
Most of English students at BTTC think that learning Frensh language can be a good thing for them before integrating in their professional life and the others think that it is waste of time.
On the one hand,learning frensh language can facilitate the communication between an English teacher and his pupils.For example,it helps new english pupils to understand something unclear in another latin language very useful which is Frensh.Also,both of these language have common points especially in vocabulary.So,pupils who master Frensh can master English too because English is easier than Frensh.
On the other hand,learning frensh language as an english students is waste of time.It takes up time to deepen their knowledge in English.Also,they may lost their english vocabulary by learning Frensh.
English students at BTTC have to learn Frensh language before they become teachers in order to make lesssons easy in very useful language which is Frensh and used in our daily life.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Which Joke Do You Like?
1-What is the difference between an accident and a disaster?
If your mother-in-law is drowning: it is an accident.
If you safe her: it is a disaster!!
2-It is a story of a moslem man who wanna get married a very beautiful lady from German.His only condition is to believe and practice islam religion such as :fasting,praying..etc.The lady accepted these conditions but when they get married,the lady found difficulties to fast which pushed the husband to divorce.But before divorcing,the husband invited El Imam in his house maybe he could change her wife's mind.At his arrives,this beautiful lady opened the door for the Imam.She was so beautiful that the Imam said to the husband: listen my son,Ramadan comes and leaves but if this beautiful lady leaves it is forever!
3-A kid asks his father:Dad,who gave me my intellegence?The dad answer:it is your mom certainly because me I have already mine.
4-A teacher demand to his students:
students who think that they are bad worker stand.
Two minutes after,a girl stood
The teacher:You think really that you are a bad worker!
she answered:No,just It hurts me in my heart to see you standing alone.
5-A guy discusses with his friend:
It goes badly these days, my wife spends her evenings to make the tour of the bars of the city.
-Is she an alcoholic ?
-No,she looks for me.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Happy Ramadhan
So excuse me my dear teacher.... I miss you longing for the rain the ground.
Good buye mada.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Informational report
Nowdays,many people suffer from dangerous diseases in all over the world such as Aids,diabet...etc.One of this diseases is : the goitre.
The goitre is connected to local waters sources or food problems even it depends of the region.For example,In algeria,it is kabylia which is touched by this illness than other places.In addition,it is hereditary illness.
This illness has many identified symptomes such as faint,palpitation,shiver especially nerves.There is no miracle cure for it because it is genetic.The only thing that a man can do is to use salt at meal anytime.
In case of a man be touched by this illness,it is recommended to him medical followed because there is risk of cancer.
The goitre is a dangerous illness;so,we mustn`t amuse to take his medecines.Let`s treath before it will be late.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Rami 2009 ( L'Jean taché )
*L'jean taché* : this song made a big sucess last year and included this year.The truth message of this song is indeed the materialism.The singer Mouloud Rami tell us the truth of our society through this song.
Nowdays,almost all people talk only about money and material.For example,when teachers meet between them,they speak about the salary but rare when they talk about the level of students!It is the case for doctors and almost all workers!!Money ,money,and money!!!!!!
Also,both girls and boys who wants to get married,they look for immigrants,ugly or handome,intellegent or dulled,it doesn't matter.Even,no problem with the religion,budhist or moslem,jewish or christian it is the same.The importance is this double nationality.
To understand that people of nowdays function with money but we don`t have to be angry for these peple.It is this country which push them to run away.
So,my friends,if you see a handsome algerian man and educated with an immigrant or a foreign lady with no level don`t be astonished!
So,these ladies worth 13 times better than us!!It is the reality.ha ha ha..
Myself,I don`t blame these people.Maybe they are right by thinking like that to save itself.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Three words
Fill my racing mind
Leave me breathless
Lost in time
Three words
Fill my endless dreams
Repair my heart
Mend the seams
Three words
Fill my open ears
Flutter 'pon your tongue
Wash away my dark fears
Three words
Fill my joyful life
With you by my side
My beautiful wife
Three words
Fill your heart too
Three words pronounced
I love you
- Josh Maraman -
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Lead vocalist Terry Sharpe and guitarist Pat Gribben first worked together when in 1978 they joined punk band The Starjets. The band experienced limited success and disbanded in the early 1980s.[1] Sharpe and Gribben then formed The Adventures in early 1984 with Gribben's wife, Eileen, Gerard Murphy, Tony Ayre and Paul Crowder. They signed to Chrysalis Records and were taken on by upcoming manager, Simon Fuller, who saw them achieve much publicity and promotion in the music press. Despite this promising start, their debut single, "Another Silent Day", released in the summer of 1984, failed to chart highly. Further singles were released, all of which were minor hits in the UK Charts, but no major breakthrough was achieved.[2] Their debut album, Theodore and Friends, was released in 1985 while the group were on a world tour supporting Tears for Fears. It received much critical acclaim, but again no significant sales.
The band laid low for the next two years. During this time, main songwriter, Pat Gribben composed some new songs for a second album and the band left Chrysalis Records and were picked up by Elektra Records. With another burst of promotion and heavy airplay, their new single "Broken Land" became their first significant hit, reaching No.20 in the UK Charts and spent 10 weeks on the chart. The single was quickly followed up by the album, The Sea of Love, which reached #30 and also remained on the charts for 10 weeks.[3] The follow-up singles, "Drowning in the Sea of Love" and "One Step From Heaven", failed to reach as highly and stalled at no.44 and no.82 respectively, though the album was certified Silver (for 60,000 copies sold) by the BPI a year after its release in 1989.
The band combined pop/rock with a folk music sound for their third album, Trading Secrets with the Moon. Released in early 1990 along with a couple of singles, the album failed to capitalise on their earlier success and only appeared briefly on the UK album Charts, stalling at no.64.[4] This ended their contract with Elektra.
With another rethink and now down to a quartet, The Adventures returned in 1992 with the single "Raining All Over the World". Now signed to Polydor Records, the song reached #68 and was to be the group's final chart appearance. A fourth album, Lions and Tigers and Bears, was released in 1993. Despite featuring a new single, a contemporary reworking of the 1960s hit "Monday Monday", the album met with tepid response and failed to chart. The group were then dropped by Polydor, and essentially broke up soon after.
Pat Gribben continues to write songs and is currently working with singer Ryan Molloy, while Terry Sharpe spent some years performing in a cover band, The Dead Handsomes. The Adventures regrouped briefly in 2007 for some gigs in Belfast, but no major reunion was ever organised. They regrouped again in 2009 to perform further small scale gigs in Belfast, as well as appearances at the Time To Be Proud and Féile an Phobail Festivals during the summer.
Lead vocalist Terry Sharpe and guitarist Pat Gribben first worked together when in 1978 they joined punk band The Starjets. The band experienced limited success and disbanded in the early 1980s.[1] Sharpe and Gribben then formed The Adventures in early 1984 with Gribben's wife, Eileen, Gerard Murphy, Tony Ayre and Paul Crowder. They signed to Chrysalis Records and were taken on by upcoming manager, Simon Fuller, who saw them achieve much publicity and promotion in the music press. Despite this promising start, their debut single, "Another Silent Day", released in the summer of 1984, failed to chart highly. Further singles were released, all of which were minor hits in the UK Charts, but no major breakthrough was achieved.[2] Their debut album, Theodore and Friends, was released in 1985 while the group were on a world tour supporting Tears for Fears. It received much critical acclaim, but again no significant sales.
The band laid low for the next two years. During this time, main songwriter, Pat Gribben composed some new songs for a second album and the band left Chrysalis Records and were picked up by Elektra Records. With another burst of promotion and heavy airplay, their new single "Broken Land" became their first significant hit, reaching No.20 in the UK Charts and spent 10 weeks on the chart. The single was quickly followed up by the album, The Sea of Love, which reached #30 and also remained on the charts for 10 weeks.[3] The follow-up singles, "Drowning in the Sea of Love" and "One Step From Heaven", failed to reach as highly and stalled at no.44 and no.82 respectively, though the album was certified Silver (for 60,000 copies sold) by the BPI a year after its release in 1989.
The band combined pop/rock with a folk music sound for their third album, Trading Secrets with the Moon. Released in early 1990 along with a couple of singles, the album failed to capitalise on their earlier success and only appeared briefly on the UK album Charts, stalling at no.64.[4] This ended their contract with Elektra.
With another rethink and now down to a quartet, The Adventures returned in 1992 with the single "Raining All Over the World". Now signed to Polydor Records, the song reached #68 and was to be the group's final chart appearance. A fourth album, Lions and Tigers and Bears, was released in 1993. Despite featuring a new single, a contemporary reworking of the 1960s hit "Monday Monday", the album met with tepid response and failed to chart. The group were then dropped by Polydor, and essentially broke up soon after.
Pat Gribben continues to write songs and is currently working with singer Ryan Molloy, while Terry Sharpe spent some years performing in a cover band, The Dead Handsomes. The Adventures regrouped briefly in 2007 for some gigs in Belfast, but no major reunion was ever organised. They regrouped again in 2009 to perform further small scale gigs in Belfast, as well as appearances at the Time To Be Proud and Féile an Phobail Festivals during the summer.
Each year around this time, when I see groups of guys in dress whites staggering through the streets of Manhattan, I realize, It's Fleet Week!, and it gives me a happy, familiar feeling of continuity, a contented sense of the cycle of life. It means I've spent another year in New York City. It's one of those annual events whose date you never remember until it comes around again, like when The Wizard of Oz used to air on TV once a year.
Similarly, each year on June 14th I get emails and voice mail messages from far-flung friends all around the world. One of them is always from my friend Jenny Boylan. At first, there is silence. Then I hear that unmistakable, high-pitched, querulous voice asking: "Is it-- is it really here?" And then begins the crazed and hysterical medley of patriotic songs: "It's a Grand Old Flag," "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy," etc. And I know that it is Flag Day.
Flag Boy was conceived one day over sixteen years ago when my friend John Quinn and I were wandering through the streets of Philadelphia, horribly hung over as always, in search of grapefruit. We came across a scene of festive commotion: a little brick courtyard filled with schoolchildren all waving little American flags. A man in uniform stood to one side, prepared to address them. John and I approached a woman who seemed to be there in some official capacity, a guide or chaperone. "What's going on?" we asked her. "Something in honor of the flag," she explained. "In honor of the flag?" we asked. She just looked at us. "It's Flag Day," she said.
Flag Day. It was one of those childhood holidays you forget about as an adult, like Arbor Day. And then we realized that not only was it Flag Day but that the little courtyard we were looking at was the courtyard of Betsy Ross's House. We were at the Ground Zero of Flag Day. We were like two clueless tourists stumbling into Times Square at 11:43 on December 31st asking folks, Hey what's the big to-do?
What happened next is kind of hard to explain now that I don't drink so much anymore. Basically, I was possessed by the spirit of Flag Boy. I ran through the streets frantically waving my little flag (the Betsy Ross House lady was handing them out), weeping with laughter and screaming, "It's Flag Day! Happy Flag Day, everybody! Let every day be Flag Day in your hearts! O, happy, happy Flag Daaaaay!" The cartoon appeared shortly thereafter.
For some unknown reason this cartoon took on a life of its own. Everyone loved F[l]ag Boy. He was the Waminals© of his day. I did a few follow-up doodles, like "Flag Boy: The Day After":
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Happy ramadan
During this holly month,adult moslem people,don`t eat,don`t drink or have sexual relation from sunrise to sunset.The aim of Ramadan is to teach all moslem people the patience, the modesty and the spirituality.
In this occasion,I wish for all moslem people happy Ramadan.And,for ill people or pregnant women to pay attention for their health.If they can not fast,it doesn`t matter.Their health before anything else.Even for people who are in good health to pay attention because Ramadan is hard than in few years ago especially the heat arrives to 45 degres!!!!
Happy Ramadan moslem.
the vacation
This program includes 15 hours of morning classroom instruction per week, as well as afternoon and weekend activities. Your family will help you improve your English and you will cherish your new friends and memories forever.
the vacation
This program includes 15 hours of morning classroom instruction per week, as well as afternoon and weekend activities. Your family will help you improve your English and you will cherish your new friends and memories forever.
Monday, August 9, 2010
A good Ramadan
Monday, August 2, 2010
My Teacher
You`ve never been workshy..
Altough your value is never taken on consideration by our society..
Thanks to you students look farther..
And become loyal teachers..
I applaud you for your patience,and intellegence
And to be able to make these future generations leaders.
I noticed that you`re working by faith
During my first year with you
Rare teachers like you..
Love you..
I dedicate my poem for you Ms Salhi.I swear to God that you are a kind of teacher that I`ve never seen.You are a golden woman.God bless you.
Big hug..
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Of all that they made us
It is the hatred which advances me
In this world full of guilty
I learnt not to rely any more,
In nowdays,more and more..
This world is filled of traitors and liars,
It is enough to look at the number of killers.
One day, I'll take revenge.
I still duno how but I'll do it
I'll never forget what they did for my Grand mother
It is engraved in my spirit for ever.
They deserve all that anyway,
We collect just what we sow,no ?
One day, they will suffer as she suffered
One day,they'll finish all in the hell
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The rest of my fairy tale which is a real story
It was the story of an orphan woman having five children living in Tizi ouzou touched by madness during her last pregnnacy.Altough this poor woman needed family support,she was abandonned by her family,and almost by her hunsband who was thinking about divorce.But thinking about divorcing his sick wife and the paternal link which existed between the both changed the mind of this hunsband.Even,she was abondonned by her uncle who educated her.Since,this poor woman got married,he didn't gave her visit to make her understand even her children when they were growing up that they were having nothing in the heritage that he monopolized.This small family living so bad but poverty made of the kids of this mad woman real men.So thanks to the efforts of the children,their situation improved.The children succeeded in their studies and were awarded diploma.Three of them travelled abroad and the others worked in their country.
Some years later,they decided to demand to their uncle the inheritance seized to their mom but without results.So,they decided to sue this uncle for this inheritance.Since 1994 to 2002 of justice,the mom and her children regained their immovable property which was monopolized by her uncle for many years ago.Since that,the family became among the richest family in Tizi Ouzou due to her immovable property which amounts in millards.
Years was passing and unintentionally, the son of this uncle who laughed a lot of her face(the patient) and due to the bad situation of this family took a depression recently ands met up in the hopitale of the madman where this mad women met up too for some months.
Since that,this uncle and all relatives of this patient had re-bites and regrets.So,they tried to save the honor by never offensive this patient when she went gardener in herimmovable property, and tried to become attached to her children more and more,and in their turns they forgave for this monsters because they tought that it was the only solution to win peace!!
As there was a big party in this mad woman house on 22jully,2010 because her two sons gave birth in France and Canada,also her son who was living in france bought recently a villa in Paris which costed four millards of dinars.And they have project which was built family cooperative in their immovable property,kids of this patient invited their uncle and all their relatives with they had maternal link to make them undertand undirectly that they accepted their pardon and show them that their hearts are not filled of hatred all the same.
At six Pm,these monsters arrived to this patient house.They were welcomed warmly by their children but the older daughter of the first kid of this patient whose name is Sarah failed waste the party because of his bad behavior with them,and yell so hardly that she will never forgive them.But she eventually cheek all of them just to please her dad,and her uncles.Cheeks full of hatred that a blind person can notice But it was able to camofler a little bit her behavior.
Among seven Pm,it was the dinner,but they had so remors and regrets to laugh of this family face,that they didn't arrive to eat especially when they saw at the first time,not just educated children of this patient,but even her smallest kids educated.A family which passed from poverty to good situation thanks to the efforts of the children. To understand that poverty made on them real men contrary to them who had none intellectual level because they already found much money since their birth ,and lands almost everywhere in the region.
As nothing goes away in front of the good,this patient became rich than them.In addition, a united family, contrary to them who killed for a small piece of ground.
The party which began from dinner,was finished by Dj plus Idabalen.The dance was non stop from ten Pm till three Am.
Everything ended good.The mom and her children won peace since this day.Goodbye problems.Goodbye offensive.And since this day they can profit from their wealthy without any worries!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
As I see,when comes an eny to die and we don't think at all about life,we find this door to go out,a door which take us without return,this door is indeed death.So,without thinking we run away and forget that it makes suffer!Let us our family,our friends,all people who love us suffer because of our stupide action.Not only stupide,but forbidden in Islam religion!
Life:hapiness,sadness,torment... what is life in nowdays ???
Monday, July 12, 2010
Hi every body............
Saturday, July 10, 2010
BAC 2010
As Tizi Ouzou is in the top of the listen with 79%,the yoyou are no stop in many homes.Parents share with their kids this hapiness by covering the sun with a sieve!!
Instead of our country encourages us to work harder to succeed,it encourages us to be more and more lazy.The lastest kid of these generals is in Europe or America,for sure! So,you are right,you create havoc as you want in this country because you kids are farther to be touched.That sounds amazing!
Well,we try to get this diploma,or let`s say this piece of paper and leave this country.
Even I`ll stay in this coutry,my future kids will never study in public schools.I`ll do my best to get much money to study in private schools,and when they grew up(among 18years)I`ll send them to europe to carry on there,to live there,even to die there!!
At least,they will die quiet,drawsheet.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Thanks Dad
Dear Dad,You offer me life of princess that you didn`t get during your childhood.Me I am living heaven on earth while during your childhood you didn`t have at least a piece of bread to eat.I know that you didn`t have means to live well,but not that bad!And due to my sensibility,you never told me your life in details when you was kid.I thank mom who told me your life with the less important detail.Poverty made on you real man.You even abandoned your studies to be a teacher in order to cover my uncles studies;otherwise,you can be more than a teacher.Anyway,the diffirence is just in the salary.Anyway, your intellectual level and your vast culture are eternal.Proud of you Dad.You know,God love you too much because you fulfilled your best dreams which are your brothers succeeded well in their professional life and your kids are taking your way.
You offered all of us especially for your kids an eternal wealth which is:Knowledge.A wealth which will never finish.Kids of rich families succeed rarely in their studies but you dad you offer me money anytime at the same time you learnt me to never say that this or that thing is mine if I didn`t buy it with my own money.This Thing push me to study harder because I know that I can not trust you if I`ll fail.As you are saying:(pas d erreurs!!}
Dad,sometimes it seems like war between you and me.You watch me a lot the thing that I never liked because I see myself adult and you don`t have the right to do that.But today,I thank you too much about that because if you wasn`t back of me,I will make wreck.
Thanks a lot Dad,and proud of you all my family.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Good news
I don`t know if you will like these news or not because it has relation with studies but I will lose nothing if I tell you.
Well,before I went home definitely for holidays,I made photocopies for modules that I found annoying and not easy to understand to prepare the 2nd year during this holidays.These modules are: civilisation,linguistic,and arabic modules.So,my friends,if you want prepare yourselves for the 2nd year,I am here for your help by sending you the lessons via e-mail.So,for each one who is interested let me your e-mail adresses below and I will do it.
For writing and grammar modules I`d be grateful Ms salhi if you read this paragraph to give me just the annual programm of the 2nd year about the both modules and myself I will find many ressources to prepare the 2nd year during the whole vacation.
My strong dream is to get the american accent but how? I remember Ms Salhi when you said that the accent is not so important like writing.And you said that the most important thing is to speak English clearly.Yeah I admit that.But the matter is although I speak clearly without mistakes,I can`t understand the american when they speak.I swear God that when I watch American movies ,I feel much annoy because I have difficulties to understand them.How can I get this pretty good accent?As I see myself superior in some things,I wanna see that in my level,my intellectual level,in my favorite language which I wanna learn at any price.
My friends,even you,if you have suggestions about that just write it as a comment.If there is private school which focus in the oral conversation and you think it is good ,tell me.I was at e-comode school but it is not serious at all.They interest just for money that`s all.Even I was at Royale school,I enriched my vocabulary but it is not what I need!!Because for the vocabulary,we have to read books,the only solution.
I missed invitations to UK many times by my relatives due to my complex about English and my accent and it makes me nervous.I am going bananas if I cannot fulfill this dream!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
My holidays
For me,I feel too much annoy because I still home till now.For the moment,I didn't take my vacation because my parents are working and I am obliged to stay home with my brother whose is 12years old.
During these annoying days,I get up too late.Around ten o'clock.First of all,I take my breakfest.Then,I do some chores such doing beds,washing clothes...etc.At midday,as I stay during the day just with my brother,I prepare something easy to eat such as chips,Spaghetti,mushroom omelet,but many times,I buy something to eat because I am not good at all at cooking.Even,I dislike cooking!After,I go out with my friends to do shopping,sometimes to swimming pool called Olympic just here in Tizi ouzou and many times,we gather together between friends at Hasnaoua or Bastos university.The only time that I adore during these annoying days!Around five o'clock Am I come back home.I drink my coffee and I relax.
During the night,around nine PM,I connect on internet,in United Kingdom chat room that I discover just these days and try to improve much better my english.At the same time,i use the headphone for hours and hours with my friend who speak fluently American english as native speaker.So,I'll do my best to get his pretty good accent.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
In ancient Greece Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem .One day one fellow met the great philosopher and said “Do you know what I just heard about your friend” .”Hold on a minute” Socrates replaid.”Before telling me any thing I’d like you to pass a little test». It’s called the Triple Filter Test. “Triple filter” .That’s right Socrates continued .Before you talk to me about my friend it might be good idea to take a moment and filter what you ‘re going to say .That’s why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is truth .Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true “no the man said “actually I just heard about it and….All right said Socrates.”So you don’t know if it‘s true or not. Now let’s try the second filter the filter of goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something’s is good”.”No on the contrary …. So Socrates continued “you want to tell me something bad about him but you’re not certain it’s true . You may still pass the test though because there’s filter left the filter of usefulness .Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me no not really . Well concluded Socrates if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful why tell it to me at all ”.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Today,I was really shocked when I went to the administration to see my marks and to find that some teachers botched me.So,in my conversation with some workers there about my problem.Indirectly,they made me understand that it is my fault when I fall sick and I have to assume if teachers gave me bad marks and said that I am lucky because normally I'll take the remedial exams and be counted as remedial exams!
At the end,I noticed that at the Ens,it is forbidden to fall sick or to have faintness!I made laugh all the workers there by saying that but it is the reality!So,cher new commer to Ens,you have to be in good health.
Even if none of us is shielter of diseases but that's the law at the ENS.
Frankly,each day passes,I admit that the fest that I was born in this country,it is an error.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
For the others even me,hope we will do much better next years.We will get all our diploma at the end but let`s think a little bit for the level.Do you remember my friends when we did strike because we hate some teachers and we thought that they don`t have any level.Myself,I feel much worry if it will arrives for me as a teacher.So,dear students,I think that a teacher can dominate their students by his/her level thats all.I saw that in my parents especially in Ms Salhi.She is so competent and do her job properly that none of us complain when we got bad marks or her way of teaching.
Through this message,I congratulate her because I think she became Chef in English Departement.At least Ms Salhi,you can put some order at Ens.At the beginning when I choose Ens ,I thought that it is much better that university in terms of studies,level,strike.Yeah,i admit that.But the most sorrow phenomena that i saw,is students are invisible there!!Our point of view,our complaning have never taken in consideration either by the administration nor by teachers.I demand you one thing Ms Salhi if you became really chef in English Departement,is all teachers do consultation as you did it because it is a big question mark for these catastrophic marks.I am not talking about myself but about my friends who are afraid to say that.It is our right to see our exam papers.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Vacation Study Program combines morning classes with afternoon sightseeing and leisure activities. At least one sightseeing activity is offered each weekend.
This program includes 15 hours of morning classroom instruction per week, as well as afternoon and weekend activities. Your family will help you improve your English and you will cherish your new friends and memories forever.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Answer me please!!!
Am I weak in English and it is an error when i choose it?What about you my friends,do you think that you acquire knowledge and the problem is me?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Global warming
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Year is over............!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What speeches, O my friends???
Why do not you write on our beloved blog ???
I think that your stressed . I think that fatigue and exhaustion, who is due to the examwho is the cause of all this to you so take care my frinds and i wish you will have the year.
Monday, May 31, 2010
The End Of The World
The Mayas ended their calendar on december,2012?is it as if by chance?Or they really provided the end of the world?This subject made afraid all the world.We already heard this rumor on 2000?But it appears that the Mayas had never mistaken.So,should we believe really that the end of the world on december21,2012?Myself,when I read about this in internet,I felt too much worry.And you my friends,do you believe that?
Anyway,if it is the case,God pardon our mistakes and keep us in his vast heaven.
Let`s love each other because early or late we shall finish in this hole and remove this hatred in your hearts.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
can you ask yourself
why you sweared and than you will not be frank
why you promised and than you lie
why you said yes and than say no
why you laugh and than you turn back
why you said come and than say go
why you said i am here and than say i am not
why you said if you need i am here
and if i ask you say no
explain to me please why you lie
i always ask but you have not reply
i ask my god for your lie he will guide you to the right way
thank you for all your smiles but not thank you for your lie
thank you for your advise but sorry for your selfish
sorry if i did someyhing wrong and thank you if you do it for me
i know you always do it but you do not see it on me
you always hurt me however you do not care on me
you always kill me but one day i will kill you
Friday, May 28, 2010
Real Love Story(Amour a mort)
Everything began when their glanced accross.It was the beginning of new frienship.The girl spent amazing time with him when he was on holidays in Algeria;so,when he went back to France she was very upset as he brought her heart with him.
But as there was an attraction between the both especially the man,he decided to keep in touch with her via internet and mobile phone.Sure that the girl accepted without any hesitation because she already felt under his charm and beauty.
When he went back to France,both of them passed all their free time chating together on internet and tried to know each other more and more.Also,he gave her calls almost each day at least for one hour.If she didn`t really know his situation,she might say that he`s a rich man;whereas,he is a sample citizen.
Some months of their meeting,this friendship became love without wanting.In his return to Algeria for one month,they passed all the time together.Too much love,affection together.With him I had always the giggles.The girl never known with him what was sadness and bad feelings.they spend unforgettable month together.
But as nothing goes as one wish.Aghiles sent a message for Thiziri the night before he went back to France,he said:(Thiziri je t'aime certes mais je te merite pas.Cherches ton bonheur ailleurs,tu mérites mieux!).Thiziri understood nothing of this message.He switch off his mobile phone so thiziri didnt say for him at least have a good trip.The worst,he turn off contact with her almost one call,no net...
So,the only thing that came in mind of thiziri that he`s womenized,he didnt love her at all and that she was just amazing pass time for him during holidays.
Days was passing wihout having any news of him but one day she acrossed him on msn then he demanded her pardon about his bad behaviour and said that there`s no future between he and her.The poor Thiziri directly tought that he met another girl so he forgot her.Thiziri was much depress that he left the internet.Some hours after she found relief,she sent him message:(le bon dieu m'a sauvé de toi.t es qu'un simple courreur de jupon,je déteste conard)Just Aghiles received the message,he gave her a call and told her on weeping that he love her so much and one day she'll know the truth.But as Thiziri insisted to know what this truth which was an obstacle in their relation and he admited that he had a baby with Frensh women whose name is Nathalie by error.Thiziri was shocked when she knew the reality but her feelings didn't change at all.Instead to leave him,she support and stayed with him.So,they started again.In few time,she demanded her in marriage and she accpted.But Thiziri's family don't agree this relation.So,once again thiziri was upset and much depress.
Now,Thiziri was taken between two fire:her family who love her so much and who offered her life of princess and her boyfriend who love so much.She didn't know what to do?!!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
angry baby

"Some of these 'experts' have not been in a diaper for 30 or 40 years," says Baby. "They just dont remember what its like. After enduring constant months of my mom and dads misguided efforts, I felt there was a need to educate parents on what babies like me really want from the whole baby/parent experience."
While some may question a young toddler dispensing parental information, Prescott Carlson, editor of The Imperfect Parent, felt that Baby added a much-needed new perspective.
"Baby is certainly sometimes difficult to work with," Carlson says. "He is not very good at meeting deadlines, and is rather prone to tantrums. And when he turns in his column, its usually stained with juice. But the added insight from a babys point of view makes it worth the extra effort."
"Ask the Angry Baby" has a humorous and "tell it like it is" style that is a perfect compliment to The Imperfect Parents other features, such as the "WTF?! Toy Roundup", community forums, and thought provoking essays submitted by readers.
"I only wish my own kids were as perceptive as Baby," says Carlson. "But then again, maybe not."
Monday, May 24, 2010
I like you ms SALHI !!!
Broken heart................
I am not!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybody

Sunday, May 23, 2010
What a wonderful world
- I see trees of green
- Red roses too
- I see them bloom for me and you
- And i think to my self
- What a wonderful world
- I see skies of blue
- And clouds of white
- The bright blessed day
- The dark sacred nitght
- And i think to my self
- I see friends shaking hands
- Saying "How do you do "?
- They 're really saying "I LOVE YOU"