Sunday, June 26, 2011
Best of Luck
Well,I am saved from remedial exams thanks to my two last marks in listening/speaking and writing which are good;while,many of my camarades take them due to these modules.I wanna just wish you my dear friends best of luck.Hope you will pass the year easily and the coming years will be better.
Well,I hope that from time to time,I`ll read you in this blog.Even if Ms Salhi left us,hope we can carry on in this blog during this holidays and even the coming years.we`ll manage it by ourselves..and try to correct each other mistakes.
type to you soon.xxxx
Friday, June 17, 2011
The dictionary defines maturity as it is the progress of an ingénue from childhood to maturity . For me maturity gives the person the wisdom to choose the right from the wrong , the good from the bad prioritize thing in life.
Certain experiences can mark the beginning of maturity. In my own life, I lived several experiments which made me a mature girl . The first experiment when I was 15 years, it was the first time I had had engage. I didn't accept the idea at all due to my age, but by time I discovered that I passed the childhood period to mature period.
As Dr. Seuss said: adults are obsolete children. But in the other hand I refused the relationship, because I was awared that I'm still child, I cannot make an engagement relation, even I was satisfied that I really passed the childhood period.
The second one When I was 17 years, when I didn't get baccalaureate. It was as tragedy for me. I didn't accept the truth ; because I was have race level in study . I felt that time disappointed and deep wound. But in fact it made me mature when I discovered that life doesn't stop in that way and there are a lot of chances to cutch up and I believed in that time that failure in study doesn't mean failure in life.
The last experiment happened In the last summer ,when I was coming back with my cousin to our town. In the road suddenly my cousin started to cough and suddenly she died !!!. It was as tragedy for me bu I dealt with problem with maturity, I wasn't have no choice other than to be patient and strong and to call my father to take her to the hospital. But that time I really needed to some one to encourage me.
These experiences have changed my life forever. And I believe have marked my start to an adult life . I would not be the same person I am now, or have the same outlook on the world around me .There has been countless times when I have just realized " Wow I'm getting mature".
Monday, June 13, 2011
*let sleeping dogs lie
*Better be silent than speak ill
*Look facts in the face
*Many hands make light work
*Life hasmanyups and downs
*Truth needsno colours
*All men are mortal
*Four eyes see morethantwo
*Learn wisdom by the follies of others
*Rome was not built in a day
*I can smell a rate
*Never do things by halves
*Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery
*What is done by night appears by day
*Two heads are better than one
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
what's cooking??????
Monday, June 6, 2011
farewell my lovely " a plot summary "

Farewell my lovely is short story written byRaymond Chandler, he considered this crackling 1940 sequel to The Big Sleep his best book."
it very attractive story and it pushes you to read more Raymond Chandler's novels
before I give the plot summary of this short story, I'll give author biography :
Raymond Thornton
A big bruiser known as Moose Malloy has gotten out of prison after serving 8 years for a bank robbery. He's looking for his girl, a redheaded singer named Velma. LA private investigator Philip Marlowe is on the premises at a club that caters only to blacks when Moose busts in and shoots the manager. Soon after, Marlowe gets hired as a temporary bodyguard by poofy Lindsay Marriott, who is ransoming a fine jade necklace for a friend after it was stolen during a carjacking. But Marlowe gets knocked out on the job and Marriott ends up beaten to a pulp.
Marlowe follows Velma's trail to the home of Jessie Florian, widow of the singer's old club owner, who has been receiving mysterious monthly checks in the mail and who ends up beaten to a pulp as well. The trail continues to the palatial home of elderly millionaire Lewin Lockridge Grayle and the owner of the jade necklace, his wife, through the offices of the corrupt police of LA suburb Bay City; and to offshore gambling operations.

I have to tell you goodbye
that's the reality
what can I say?
please! don't ask me why?
because really I wanna tell you
forever, goodbye
It's hard word
I'll say
don't blame me
It's beyond my will
don't ask me
because even me I don't know why
I'll tell you goodbye
look to me
don't cry
wipe your tears away
don't cry
keep your head high
I think you know
why ?
why I have tell you
because I'll die
don't cry
that's the reality
that's the way
I'll tell you for the last time
before I keep away
forgive me
if I did wrong with you
If I made you so bent
one day
forgive me
written by:
LABBACI Fatma Zahraa
I am afraid
How can I justify my failure for him?What kind of pretexts should I give him?
Frankly,I shiver with fear!!
we say that,better late than never but it is too late for me!!I bugger up and now I pay it.I`ll be a liar if I say that the exams were difficult,the problem was me.I didn`t work well;so,so much the worst for me!
But some teachers are the cause of our failure!I am sorry to say that but this is the truth.The first one is MS Houari or as I call her "Ms exception" because she never explain us and convince us when we did the exercices.The only thing she used to say:take it like this it is an exeption!What a hell!!!Also,Mr boukenna was one of our failure!till now,I didn`t understand why he limited us the courses in the 2nd semester to betray us during the exam!!All my efforts are for nothing!!
My friends,let`s think together!don`t you think these teachers acts are revenge?
Well,I`ll stop talking because it is late and unfortunately in this school,no one take on consideration our complaints.
The last thing that i should say is bravo Ms Salhi.Yeah,bravo!!you are almost the only one who was not selfish and correct.Many teachers carried "un sourire jaune"as we say it in frensh during the whole year and we unmasked them till the period of the exams after botching us.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The Drowning by Valerie Mendes

Author: Valerie Mendes
Title:The drowning
Publication date: August1, 2005.
Physical description: 249 pages.
Biography:Valerie Mendes is a British author born in 1939 in Buckinghamshire.Valerie started writing at the age of six.After taking a double honours degree in English and Philosophy at Reading University, she moved to Oxford where she still lives.Valerie Mendes worked as a journalist at Reading University,then she worked on readers:short stories for children in Oxford University.It was a good step for her and a kind of experience to move on in her writing and succeed.Among her works,her fist book for children tomasina`s first dance in 1992.Followed by some novels.*Girl in the Attic* is her first novel and three more teenage novels followed such as Coming of Age,Lost and Found...
Summary: Sixteen years old Jenna went to be a great dancer under the eyes of the best teachers in the world in London.Jenna`s mum was killed joy who don`t care about her daughter`s dream.But she had been given quiet support by her dad and her aunt Tamsyn who was living in London offered her financial support to go ahead and reach her goal.
So,Jenna went to London in her Aunt`s home to attempt her chance.After getting many examinations during the audition,she came back home waiting the agreement of the academy.While she was waiting the OK of the academy,she resumed her dance classes with Leah,her ballet teacher since she was four years old.One morning,the mailman posted three letters on the box which one of them was from the academy.Jenna had opened it and screamed with joy that she got in from the academy.Before going to London,she had took her school exams and waited the results.During those days,there was a hot and stuffy day.So,jenna went with her brother Benjie to the beach.While Jenna was taking a nap on the sand,Benjie was swallowed by the beach and dead.Jenna had felt guilty of her brother`s death;so,she put her dreams on hold and focused to help her dad in the cafe he owned.She was living such a hell until she met the young lifesaver who was on duty on the day of that fatal accident and built a relationship with him.That lifeguard whose name was Meryn,healing jenna`s emotion and put her life in a whole new light..Thanks to him,Jenna found the courage to take her dream in hand and move on.So,she went back to London to fulfill her dream.
Criticism: The novel is a bit long but the events are quiet enough that I didn`t feel annoy when I had read it.On the contrary,it gave me the urge to finish it as much possible as I can.I had read it during my first semester in my 2nd year.This novel tranposted me and I almost neglect all homeworks that teachers gave us!
This website was created in December,2006,by someengaged persons whose founder is Julian Assange.Wikileas reveals in an anonymous and secured manner documents of witness social and political reality so that to assure a global transparency.
Several countries touched by the revelation of Wikileaks try to sue against this website and destroy it at any costs.Altough these temptations against the founder of wikileaks, Julian Assange found supports all over the world who considers him as a hero and not a spy.
Wikileaks deserves to be protected and not threatened because it has revealed only the truth that our politicians hide us.As the Frensh proverb says: *Dans la course qui oppose le secret et la vérité,il semble inévitable que la vérité gagnera toujours*