when you are ready to take your first step toward success ...you don't any thing to do it just to be self confident and self control ...if you are really have these capacities dat's mean that you are really in the right way of success ...so it means just take your step without looking back without paying attention to any one ...let who wanna laugh about you laugh ..who wanna satirize satirize....this is my rule in this life ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
when you are ready to take the first step toward personal change just know How is life defined? Is it the process of breathing? Or, is it the state of consciousness?
Of course, it’s both of those things. However, if today was our last day on earth and we were asked to describe our lives in retrospect, we would not define it as such.
Instead, we would reference our lives from a collection of memories. Therefore, even more so than the act of breathing or consciousness, our lives are defined by thoughts, perceptions, and recollections of our experiences. The goal of personal development is to develop our potential. Ultimately, it is an endeavor to enhance the overall quality of our lives. Therefore, if the story of our lives is comprised of recollected experiences, then the most direct way to improve our lives is to improve our experiences. Improvement requires change, and change requires work. But with a change of such magnitude, we are challenged with knowing where to start.
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at the end I wanna just give an advise to who wanna change the world around him/her that the change firstly start from souls than moves to things out souls...