Monday, December 24, 2012

French lge, an illness for Algerians

French lge is considered as the 2nd lge after our mother tongue in Algeria.Sometimes, it is the lge in which most people communicate and feel comfortable with especially in the capital of Algiers and Tizi ouzou.These places where we underestimate people having lack in french and do not speak it at all without paying attention to the other capacities they do have.
Lucky teachers, who teaches this lge in some parts of Algeria because students  use it  in their daily lives and do not have hang-ups in oral communication.
I felt disappointed when I went to my training in Oued Romane.First of all, the school looks like garbage dump.It was too dirty.Secondly, I nearly clash with the headmaster because of his prejudice about my clothes as if i went with a bikini or that kind of clothes.Sooner I noticed that I shouldn't envy him.I dare say almost all of them were wearing islamic clothes except one French teacher ; pretty good woman who dresses respectfully as I've done but I  seemed too young with my blue jean and my grey waistcoat !But there are thousands ways of saying things because an intellectual man saying 'Satri Rohek' for her trainer is not acceptable.
The worst of all that is inside the classroom.Well, I approve the good  level of the teacher.Still young and full of energy.But all the trainees have met the same issue which is the non communication between the students and the teacher in English.In 2nd Am class, the teacher has done the genetive case and asked the students to check their understanding about the apostophe S and the apostrophe.Two students rised their hands and gave the answer in french which was totally correct and then said: 'that's good ' and forgetting about the others who didn't understand a word.Poor pupils! they were only seeing their two camarades and teacher's mouth moving.Indeed, I was speechless too! In addition, she never corrects the misspronunciation.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Expressions en Langue Française

1-A la douzaine=en grande quantité Ex:- Des types comme toi,on n'en trouve pas à la douzaine.
2-A la noix(familier)=sans intérêt Ex:-J'en ai ras le bol de ce travail à la noix.
3-Se faire violence (soutenu)= faire un effort. Ex:J'ai dû me faire violence pour lui pardonner.
4-A la bourre (familier)= en retard. Ex: désolée , je suis a la bourre!
5-En rogne(familier)= en colère. Ex: je suis en rogne.
6- Lâcher les baskets (familier)= laisser tranquille Ex: lâche-moi les baskets!
7-Etre à la bourre=très en retard. Ex=J'étais à la bourre 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Katia Hadouchi meurt en devoir.

Katia Hadouchi,  une policière de la Sûreté du Québec agée de 23ans meurt en devoir lorsqu'elle a répondu  à un appel d’urgence pour un cas de violence conjugale.Eh oui, bien trop jeune pour mourir notre jeune Katia .Par contre,j'aime bien les jugements des autres ! Elle roulait trop vite !! aurait elle été jugé si elle arrivait en retard ? ! On critique les services d'urgence lorsque ils sont lents et lorsque ils vont trop vite! Avant de porter un jugement, réflechissez !!!!!! vous devriez plutot avoir de la sympathie!
En tous cas,le mal est arrivé! Encore un proche qui quitte les lieux.Une fille si courageuse et intelligente.La porte de ta maison était toujours ouverte pour la famille,que Dieu t'ouvre les portes du paradis.
Repose en paix !

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I am looking for a song which is old but I adore it a lot cuz my dad used to sing it at home but unfortunately i could find only an extract of it.
The title is 'Petit Capitaine Revenant de guerre...'. If ever you have it plz send it to me.
Thank you.
Lots of love.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

At last,4th year

Hi my friends,
How are you doing?  Hope you are ready to be back to the ens?.I think three months of holidays is an error because we are not that kind of people who profit to lean something new and the worst, we often loose what we've learnt before.Well, the most important thing is to study harder this year.It is our last year;so, I wish we could reach a certain level of maturity and knowledge.Leave the ENS by letting a good reputation.

It's time to put the hat of teachers.Myself, sometimes i find that being teacher at the age of 21years old is like a joke.Intellectually, I am not that afraid to face students because i know that i'll do all my best to be loyal and good teacher.But integrating in the domain is not something easy because you have to watch your behavior,clothes and sometimes my age disturb me a lot.I am quiet sure that i'll face students who are approximately my age.It is not that easy hein!!!
In short, as i get used to say.A teacher can dominate his class only by knowledge.So I'll try!!

Concerning students who repeated the year, I let you know that I am so sorry for you and i hope you'll do better this year.

Hope we'll have good teachers, at least they will help because we are really in need.

Monday, August 6, 2012

August in france

I am actually in France,exactly in Paris.I am spending extraordinary moments with my relatives, friends..etc especially with this climate which is totally different from the hell we live in Algeria.This morning, I went to Sacré Coeur (Montmarte).It is a holly place for Christians  where they whorship God and many tourists come over there.Then,I went to Buttes chaumont which is a public garden where people can spend the whole day bringing with them their food and enjoying the day.Also, some of them go to get a tan when it's sunny.The park is the third largest of its kind in Paris encompassing over 5 kilometres of trails and paths.It is situated in the 19th arrondissement of Paris not far from where I am.Now, I am at home waiting the others to prepar themselves to go to Champigny where my uncle book his villa for  two couples and invited us for dinner.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

My holidays

Hi my friends,
My holidays are horribly horrible.I've spent the majority of time at home.It's so annoying.I went many times to the beach then I was fed up.I've burnt my back and i feel an ache in all my body due to the sun exposure.Moreover, there are not a lot of weddings to attend as I get used to because of Ramadane which takes place in summer.But it is not that bad because there are great parties during this month after the festival which took place in Djemaa Saharidj (T.ouzou) where they brought foreigns from France, Spain,Germany..etc.Some were singers, and others were drowners..etc and they exposed their arts.At night during weekends, they organised big parties where  they sang as well as our Algeria singers came too.Now, i am just waiting my visa.Normally, there's no reason to reject my demand but most of time is a matter of chance !I am too worried !!!!!!!
What about you my friends ? how are your holidays ?.Hope i'll read you soon.xoxoxo

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


He drinks progressively.
In alcohol,he drowns increasingly.
A glass which empties, finally,
Another which fills with some whiskey.

Beer and Vodka, he can't do without them.
On the table, also porc and ham.
He likes being drunk.
Thanks to alcohol, he forgets all his problems.

He helps himself more and more.
In alcohol,he found solace and the door,
Of all his daily problems and more..

Saturday, July 7, 2012

One, two, three où va l'Algérie!

Fraud, corruption,and the worst a rotten educational system in Algeria.Benbouzid is the eternal minister of the national disaster.We have the impresison that he is ten times better than a French minister, this last who has changed ten times during the existence of Mr Benbouzid.His reforms are catastrophic, the annual programm in all the subjects are overloaded and useless.Another issue is the teachers especially university teachers.I witnessed a real injustice of Tamazight teacher in Hasnaoua university.It is about a Tamazight student in relation with an immigrant.As they broke up, this guy begged the teacher to give her eliminatory mark in order to make her repeat the year.He obviously accepted because when this teacher wants to france , he is accomodated usually by this guy.The result, this poor girl repeated the year due to this damned teacher.Another story happened in Bastos university ( always in T.ouzou) , One teacher who teaches electronic asked the english teacher of the same group to give a difficult subject in order to get lousy grades and not conpensate his module.Therefore, the english teacher gave a hard exam as the electronic teacher suggested and when it comes the correction, she didn't correct,she gave marks from 15 to 19/20 and let the other teacher as a rabid dog.In addition,happy are some teachers(male) when their students(female)are weak by using blackmail to help them,having sexual relation in order to get the year.This crime is happening in almost all the universities.Indeed,the same strategy is used  to get master and other good status in other domains as well.An evidence in Bouzareah faculty, Mr x who is wroking in French departement asked one girl to give her all the modules where she didn't work in order to make-up them to get the year. For God's sake where Algeria is going ? .Why do we encourage prostitution?,Why do we accept to do things heartlessly for things we may get easily ?
I don't mind others life.I would like only to see people doing things consciously.They do them without any premeditation.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What do u think ?

That's funny isn't it ?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Je rêve de ma vie à tes cotés.
Amour et complicité tout au long de notre vie.
Des orages de temps en temps.
Mais un amour utopique tout le temps.

Je me vois déjà maman de deux adorables enfants.
Dire que je les aime déjà follement,
Ils sont le fruit de notre amour tout simplement.

Je n'ai aucun doute que tu seras un adorable papa.
Que c'est beau d'être enceinte de toi !
Et voir ton fils grandissant dans tes bras.

Ensemble, nous leur apprendrons la valeur de la vie.
Vous êtes déjà mes trésors vous savez.
Vous n'égalisez pas l'or du monde entier
Je vous le promets.
Je vous aime et ce à l'infini.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fed up!

It was my first exam today during the 2nd semester.It was horribly horrible!I can assure more than ever that i've never seen such a college like the ENS.Firsly we spent 20minutes to go to the room and distribute to us  exam papers and the subject.The task was about making a lesson plan either about grammar , listening/speaking or read/writing.The teacher said that we can do either writing or reading separately it is up to us! Thirty minutes left she changed her mind.what a bizarre teacher! I tought that I was dreaming really.I couldn't believe that! and she added if you do the task separately you assume it!! The worst, due to her behavior and her blah blah  which deconcentrate us during the whole exam and some silly questions by the students pushed one student(girl) to complain and say we can not concentrate.As the teacher felt fixed by her complaining she created a havoc in the class,walking between the rows and  talking about that girl as if she made a crime!So, instead of working we were concentrating on her speech and attitudes.She even dared to balance the word 'salope' and treat her as bad mannered girl.
That's too unfortunate.Students have no right to complain in this damned school.No one is there to hear you!She didn't only disturb us during the exam but even she wanted to sack us by changing her mind after 1h30 of examination.
Anyhow,in such kind of situations,the marks never reflect the student level.We were disturb!!There's no atmosphere of examination at all.In addition,if her aim is to sack us, she can do it! Hope that we'll not see or meet her again that's all  because she is even unfair! When she added the extra points in the 1er semester(read exam) she was unfair.She did it as if according to your degree of beauty or something like that!For studdents who have got zero it's ok!But for the others how comes you add 3extra points for someone while the other you add him only 2 or 1? For God's sake how do you assess ? At a certain moment I get used to bear her all the same but now I vomit her!!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

New Words

1-To stagger : it is a way of walking.It is to move unsteadily like a drunk person. Ex:The drunken man staggered into the room".
2-To fidget: it is to move restlessly. Ex: stop fidgeting!
3-To cackle: it is to laugh out loud. Ex: I heard daddy cackling in the next room.
4-To chuckle: it is to laugh silently. Ex : I do still chuckle at Linda and Kamal's wedding.
5- To wander: it is to move without any precise destination or to go aimlessly. Ex:  I wander along the beach during my freetime.
6-To whisper: it means to talk in someone's ear with no vibration of the vocal cords. Ex: I knew that they were whispering.
7-To mutter : talk under your lips. Ex: she sat practicing her speech and muttering to herself.
8-To sip: to dring in small quantities or to taste. Ex: 1- we have sipped champagne during eve christmas.
                                                                              2-give me a sip plz (to taste).

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hi every body

I am very grateful being still in touch with this class blog although there is a luck of visitors there...but no matter if the number is few and the value is great.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Slaughter in Toulouse ( France)

The killer of Toulouse is named Mohamed Merat aged 24years old.. He is a moslem algerian man who was living alone is a small aparrtment in Toulouse after a sad love story.This killer killed three soldiers and four Jewish people were murdered at Jewish school in France in the name of al-Qaida .Claude Guéant who is a French politician said that this gunman wanted to take a revenge for Palestian kids.In addition,he was described as calm and kind man by people who have already known him. Moreover,his friend assured and mainted that he wanted with him to night-club with him the previous week.Mohamed Merah,fallen under the balls from the raid after mroe than 32hours seat,died yesterday in Toulouse as he lived the last days of his life in an outburst of violence.
I am so upset that this gunman is an Algerian more than he is a moslem because he belongs to my country.The worst,many moslems agree with his slaughter.As my classmate said that he was a hero, and as a moslem  he did well when he murdered these jews to express his love towars palestinian people ".Who knows maybe some others also dare say his place is in heaven because he is considered as martyr.

Oh,my God come on!! I thought that islam is  a religion of peace not of terrorism.Is there any islam verset which really encourages that act ?
Please  dude Zahraa if ever you read my post because  you are the only one who visist this blog, I am waiting this verset if it exists in which islam encourages this act.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Mama, please, don’t envy me for my choice
He`s my oxygen, the man I love.
There`s no reason to reject him, trust me
Stop saying it is either him or your mummy!

I am old enough to look after myself.
Being a future teacher is a choice you`ve made yourself.
Although no illness, no surgery, I feel an ache.
Stop your nonessential arguing, for God`s sake!

I know that you seek your daughter all the best
But you`ve to know I am not like all the rest.
Whether he`s an alcoholic or a beggar,
In my eyes,he is a leader.
Stop your pride and prejudices
It is not about Jane Austen movies.
It is rather about your lady destiny and choices.

Written by Sara Hamitouche.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I've never seen in my whole life such a college as ours full of injustice.Firstly,students are considered as rags who have to follow norms good they are or not.Because of this contract,students have not the right to complain as if we have made a favor to enter the ENS.That's really unbearable.
The worst,some classes never studied writing since their first year in college.Now,as third year students,they were judged for their writing skills as if they dealt with the module.The result:catastrophik marks in which the teacher was supposed to expect rather than being astonished!!!!Also,some teachers I swear that they are acting journalists in the class.The only thing they do is to read for us the handouts that's all and in the exams we were asked a chinoiserie questions and expected  good answers.For God's sake what is this is!
The real problem is when we have done the correction.For example,in communication,not only chinoiserie questions,but unconvinced answers.
Dear teachers,
I know that our level is so weak.But sometimes as teachers you have to worry when the whole class get lousy grades.You have to ask the question for yourselves: are we good teachers ? Are we communicating well  as teachers and doing our job properly ?
Teach us as it worth,use good methods to transmit the knowledge,then I'll be agree for hard exams(not for unclear questions in which the answers are unconvinced).I am quiet sure that at least the good students will be able to answer for some questions and get the average.Why are you sacking us ? that's nonsense!
If I take my group,I agree to be judged for our writing skills because we have dealt with the module as it worth;so,some mistakes might be unforgivable.But,the other group has to be taken into consideration in all the modules.They didn't study writing.It is not their fault at all. They have to be considered as beginners.
Be logic please! You know I dare say even if  you wash us with a bleach, we will not be able to be brilliant.I will not say it is too late but it is going to take too much time for a good result.That is the same for studies.You can never expect from us high level if you do not feed us from your knowledge.That's obvious isn't it ?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The exams and my stupidity

When I saw the subject of linguistic I tought that I've never studied this module before.It looked like a chinoiserie way of asking the question eventhough I was never obliged to revise and learn the handouts by root because the way of explanation of the teacher in the class was enough to get the least detail.
I sticked to the word Fishman and say ;well ,I don't know what this person have done which means that I am really out and can not write an essay.However,if I tried just to put attention and understand the second part of the question,I could be able to know what is the appropriate answer which includes the majority sub-titles of the handouts but this damned  Fishman who I don't know what he has done pushes me to give up!
But I am not that out because some thought that Fishman is a fisher!hahaha.Just for this reason I swallowed my tears and got a maniacal laugh and I was somehow happy because I was not the one who didn't work and I am not that out!.
However,in peda trends and psychology,the teacher is almost like the linguistic teacher.It was never complicated to get the course because of his good method.Also,the questions are quiet clear.But how it comes to say write an essay which includes introduction,body and conclusion and then I was told that I have to make criticism after answering the question.Well,if it is the case,it is no longer an essay but a dissertation.The question has to be clear and precise to give precise answers.
 They are too good and competent teachers But  a chinoiserie way of asking the questions which sacks the students.

Communication was not that bad as the both modules I have quoted in the top.Normally,it is the module in which students might get the average because the questions were quiet easy.
Writing module was quiet easy as well in terms of the topic.Generally when we tell us to write about whatever we want and about things in which we are familiar,it helps us to express our ideas in a good manner.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

ENS Bouzareah on Strike

ENS Bouzareah still being on strike and all other  high schools where students seek the same aim which is Justice: they want from the minister of education Haraoubia to be fair and give the same value for both LMD and classical system. That means bac+4=Master 1 and bac+5=master 2 in order to be in the same balance. Students want to change the decree from one day to another as these silly ministers create havoc in the country and change the decree and the norms of the educational system always to the worst. The proof, each year there are changements and new norms.

The worst, these students are not united. One category, have joined the class because they consider these strikers as trouble-makers not more. And the second one which is among 30 percent, they know that this strike is for nothing but they  have went to be united and not join classes alone to not make them miss courses which will not be repeated by teachers. Also, for the sake of getting some rest. And the last one in which below a few students, they have joined the class according to the teacher they have had as if the strike is about teachers not about the decree! Plato was right to put common people at the bottom in his division of education because they follow only their appetites and desires. They are indeed selfish.

Teachers show anger to these students because they might be the best placed to know the absolute truth and how really the educational system works. Besides, they believe that these students are demanding and ask for something impossible. As the French proverb says: ’Avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre’ .

Myself, if I take third year students for instance, I will say that these students jumped directly to something which is somehow necessary maybe and putting aside the basic thing for what we had to go on strike during the beginning of the year. We have got teachers who are incapable to transmit the knowledge, teachers who have had the pleasure to tell us their lives at least for half an our per session: their trips which never stop as if they are the only ones who have backpacked around Europe, how many kids they have got and their jobs, and maybe the next sessions, it will be about their intimate lives! We were pleased to listen attentively more than we did for our lessons and once the exams are planned, we complain as usual about them but no one has had  the guts to stand up to them and say Stop! Or leave the class all together and say Mr or Ms: your course is not interesting!.Who was courageous to do that? No one of course. You had all carried an ironic smile as if you were satisfied by that fact. And now as it is too late because the exams are planned for next week, and scared of some modules in which we are out, we shiver with fear! I was always commenting on teachers when it worth without any fears because I knew it was my right and their duties to take my comments on consideration but who cares and says:’ Sarah, be careful because some teachers may botch you because they don’t accept any comment’. Who was courageous to go strike for me because I represented the entire group if I had this genre of problem? No one of course.So, mind your business! I do whatever I want. I am autonomic. You play selfishness I will do the same. I attend the class when I want, I take a day off when it worth. I Remember you that teachers during the correction of the exams they will read on the paper Sara Hamitouche, they will see only one person not a whole group!

Ps: Master or magister has to  be worth to get it; so,work hard and I promise you if you take the test, you will pass it. Maybe you will say this country is full of nepotism, OK I agree. But think further, who knows, maybe you’ll go abroad, and there it is your capacities which show either you are good or not, it is not this master.It is Nonsense!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Je rêve

Je rêve d'une vie où les relations se baseront sur le partage émotionnel.
Plutôt que sur les considérations matérielles.

Je rêve d'une vie sans religion
Chaque individu vivra sa vie comme il l'entend.

Je rêve d'une vie où le piston ne sera qu'un passé dépassé.
Chacun aura ce qu'il mérite et le monde sera plus que parfait.

Je rêve d'une vie sans bataille,
Ni haine, ni discrimination raciale.

Je rêve d'un amour utopique.
Ni mensonges, ni trahison,
Loin des rêves chimériques.

Je rêve d'une vie sans maladie.
Tout être humain en bonne santé.
Ni médecin, ni médicaments, ni pharmacie.

Je rêve d'une vie sans décès.
Ne plus souffrir de la séparation de nos bien-aimés.
Cette dernière qui hante ma vie jour et nuit

Ecrit le : 31/12/2011
Par : Hamitouche Sara