Friday, September 28, 2012

Katia Hadouchi meurt en devoir.

Katia Hadouchi,  une policière de la Sûreté du Québec agée de 23ans meurt en devoir lorsqu'elle a répondu  à un appel d’urgence pour un cas de violence conjugale.Eh oui, bien trop jeune pour mourir notre jeune Katia .Par contre,j'aime bien les jugements des autres ! Elle roulait trop vite !! aurait elle été jugé si elle arrivait en retard ? ! On critique les services d'urgence lorsque ils sont lents et lorsque ils vont trop vite! Avant de porter un jugement, réflechissez !!!!!! vous devriez plutot avoir de la sympathie!
En tous cas,le mal est arrivé! Encore un proche qui quitte les lieux.Une fille si courageuse et intelligente.La porte de ta maison était toujours ouverte pour la famille,que Dieu t'ouvre les portes du paradis.
Repose en paix !

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I am looking for a song which is old but I adore it a lot cuz my dad used to sing it at home but unfortunately i could find only an extract of it.
The title is 'Petit Capitaine Revenant de guerre...'. If ever you have it plz send it to me.
Thank you.
Lots of love.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

At last,4th year

Hi my friends,
How are you doing?  Hope you are ready to be back to the ens?.I think three months of holidays is an error because we are not that kind of people who profit to lean something new and the worst, we often loose what we've learnt before.Well, the most important thing is to study harder this year.It is our last year;so, I wish we could reach a certain level of maturity and knowledge.Leave the ENS by letting a good reputation.

It's time to put the hat of teachers.Myself, sometimes i find that being teacher at the age of 21years old is like a joke.Intellectually, I am not that afraid to face students because i know that i'll do all my best to be loyal and good teacher.But integrating in the domain is not something easy because you have to watch your behavior,clothes and sometimes my age disturb me a lot.I am quiet sure that i'll face students who are approximately my age.It is not that easy hein!!!
In short, as i get used to say.A teacher can dominate his class only by knowledge.So I'll try!!

Concerning students who repeated the year, I let you know that I am so sorry for you and i hope you'll do better this year.

Hope we'll have good teachers, at least they will help because we are really in need.