Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's not an easy job at all

After a long reflection, I accepted to study at the ENS unwilligly.It was not really by force but because in Algeria we have to follow the logic and not what we desire. So, as many students, I jumped and stick to this contract putting in my mind that being PEM teacher is not going to be forever but i'll carry on my studies at any price.But, as i see , even gettign magistere in Algeria is not promising.A ? !! a job guarantee ? !! A big question mark !!
Well, now I am working in Rjawna which situated at 2 or 3km from 'Tizi Ville'.It is a new middle school well accomodated.But teaching particularly in this place is a big problem. I don't deny that pupils of this village are calm than those of the downtown but their level is very poor.In addition, most parents are illiterate and don't giuve a damn about their children studies. The worst, reality is that some pupils don't understand with smooth words and beating them is forbbiden .The way teachers used to behave with us and we never complained.But nowdays pupils know their rights but not their duties !! 
I've taken mobilephone from one pupil and his tutor came and told me not to be harsh with him because he is an orphan and his mum let him when he was 3days.Buty for God's sake , Am I obliged to know each pupil's CV ? !! I didn't know that i've to play the role of psychologist !!
I and the math teacher convoked one parent because of his son behavior and careless in the class .She started speaking with the math teacher, after that she told me " how come you want them to learn English if they are not even good in Arabic..." I've got a maniacal laugh !! Indirectly she wanted to make it clear that My language profession is  usless and it will eb better to stay home !!  :p

Also, some pupils let me till the end of the session to say with their irnonic smiles ' Madam, we undesrtood nothing , we don't undesratnd english, you have to explain in French !! '

Goodness! What can I do ? sometimes i feel that i am tiring myself for nothing and if ever i'll do the course in french , the inspector will not fix me !

Monday, August 19, 2013

Postes en grèves
mariages a profusion
l'argent qui manque
quotidien laborieux des Algériens

et... la solution n'est pas en vue

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Algérie : pas obligé d’être musulman !

Ca y est. C'est parti ! Aujourd'hui, Tizi-Ouzou renoue avec le combat pour la vie. Tizi, capitale de l'insurrection citoyenne d'Avril 80, Tizi, ville martyre, combien de fois mitraillée, combien de fois en enfumée par les gaz lacrymogènes, combien de fois bouclée, encerclée par les forces du désordre.... Au bas du portrait de Lounès Matoub, mon frère parti si brutalement, le peuple de Kabylie et des centaines de démocrates algériens venus de toutes les régions du pays se sont donné rendez-vous pour en découdre, une fois pour toutes avec l'obscurantisme.
A compendre enfin qu'ils y'a des non croyants en Algérie ! Ne pas etre musulman n'est pas un crime.. je suis avec ces hommes et femmes qui ont déjeuné en publique a Tizi Ouzou et lutter pour la liberté individuelle !

Sacrée citation de Mourad Sadi :' je ne suis pas musulman, ni juif, ni chrétien .Je ne suis surtout pas arabe. je suis un non croyant et fier de l’être ...Et je suis chez moi en kabylie.Je suis même ....autochtone '

Thursday, May 23, 2013


It's already the end of the year ! At last ! I can't bear this school anymore.Too simply, i can't bear our teacher's unjustice. They think that being university teachers reflect high level but in fact it is not the case. Some of them, i swear to God they can't even construct a sentence in english and make unforgivable errors like saying ( mens and womens ) !! Yeah i do agree that we don't have a level, because of teachers like X !
Adittionally, although we are bad students believe me that we can make the distinction between a good and a bad teacher ! We are all thankful  for those severe teachers all the same and accept any bad comments because they are competent and we do respect them ! Teachers play with marks as they want, i am doubting if they correct and take their time when correcting the papers because there's a big gap betwwen two similar copies !! Sexual perversion is a new phenomena in english department ...if we need marks then we have to sell our bodies !  Yeah unfortunately it's the case !also,Some teachers added points for the beautiful eyes of some students; however , the others struggle to get the average and sometimes their papers are not even corrected as it worth. What i can i wait from teacherswho gave the best marks for some students and this latter said that they were totally out in the exam
  The last terrible thing that happend is that my teacher trainer gave me 10.75 !! she drove me crazy this morning !
All inall , I am not lucky at all !!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

J'ai la chance que j'ai pas été infecté par l'arabisation , mais toi tu as le choix d'apprendre ta culture ou de croire que tu es arabe !!!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dear Teachers

' You don't have level, your english is not even english, you don't deserve to pass the year ......' that's the same song I am hearing from the beginning of the year. Ok I wanna just ask you some questions, as we don't have any level, why are we in the 4th year then ? don't you think it's your fault to make us passing the year ? .And do you know that to get a level you've to sacrifice, to feed us from your knowledge,.How come to say we do'nt have any level if you don't make any efforts to teach us and just throwing for us handouts or just start talking from the beginning of the session till the end as if you've memorized these courses !! Dear teachers, be logic !As Ms Kebaili says: There's no bad student, there's only bad teachers and inspectors' I do agree because if we are weak, it's your fault. As the proverb says: 'there's no smoke without fire'

It's for the first time i give up and don't care if I pass or repeat the year.I am just fed up from your daily speech and your non-conscious of doing your work properly.The marks are catastrophic for the big majority of the students. Most of you didn't make correction.Though most of the exams were essays, we need a model.How can we improve in the 2nd semester if we don't know how do you assess.In addition, I swear that some answers are identical between some students but someone got the full mark and the other got zero or the half mark.It was my case too.When we start complaining, you become angry and forbid us to compare the copies! What odd teachers you are!!!Unfortunately, altough these things hurt me, I can say nothing because in this school 'tu parles tu meurs,!'. You don't accept any comment, any opinion, any idea. Indeed, arrogance is your big problem.However a good teacher is the one who breaks the barrier between his students and he is all ears and never plays with marks because of just a misunderstanding with students as it was the case with 'Ms Salhi',and is the case with 'Ms Kebaili'.
Unfortunately, english department lacks competent teachers.Some of them are totally out in the module.Their sessions are just relief for us to continue sleeping or dreaming.And in the other modules, it's just session of reading'.In a few modules, we leave the class with some ideas in the brain.
I am wondering too how come you say PES students are better and this group have never studied writing till the last year; whereas, for our group  we have got a good basic in writing. I can't believe it.It's just abnormal !
I do remember one thing  said by Ms Salhi at the end of the 2nd year. She told me:" either your level ameliorates or stagnates". She meant I should never say my english is OK, I need practice every time.It's just too late that I remembered her advice.It's just till my level is down and start to loose my english. So, I think my bad marks and some of my friends marks are a little bit because of this. I made only slight mistakes but they are unforgivable.We're no longer hard workers as we were .But I think it's normal because personally, when i see just some of my teachers posture, I feel asleep and fatigue.

Se Faire Violence

Petiote, j'étais chanceuse
Ayant une maman cajoleuse
Câlins et bisous, je ne manquais
Me combler de dorlotements, j'adorais !

Aujourd'hui, je tiens à m'excuser
De ne pas pouvoir être comme tu voulais
Désolée je ne suis pas une pâte à modeler
Pour être la fille modèle dont tu rêvais

Tu voulais que je prenne la relève
De cette belle famille de professeurs
Tu voulais de moi future enseignante
Alors que ce putain métier me hante

Pour vous, j'ai fait des efforts
Étudier à l'école normale supérieure.
Mauvais choix ! je souffre
Je suis au fond du gouffre !!

L'enseignement n'est pas ma tasse de café
Travailler avec les mômes est le dernier de mes soucis.
Je vise plus loin que mon nez
Mais dommage vous êtes très limités
Votre seul et unique but est de me caser.
Ma foi,je souffre vous savez !

Par:  Sara.H

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Merci à tous ces enseignants
Qui m'ont instruite et formée
M'ont aidée à me remettre sur la bonne voie
Lorsque j'ai failli déraper.

Toute ma gratitude pour Mr Bouadou
Un enseignant assez cultivé,
Rien n'a pu le décourager,
Devant le nombre de classes qu'il avait 
Au même temps elles étaient surchargeaient.
Merci encore, vous étiez la clé de mon succès !

Mon malheur est à l'université.
Des professeurs laissent à désirer.
Je crois qu'ils diffusent le savoir
Mais en réalité ils encouragent le désespoir.

Ils nous prennent pour un ramassis d'imbéciles.
Alors que déjà eux sont des nuls.
Qu'est-ce que j'ai envie qu'ils sortent de mes pensées !
Pour ce calvaire qu'on subissait.

Ma reconnaissance est juste pour peu d'entre eux, 
Tel que Mme Kebaili, Mr kermazli.....
Sans oublier les précédents dont les noms sont ancrés.

L'enseignement devient si passionnant,
Avec leur façon de transmission.
Je leur souhaite que du succès
Et je les remercie infiniment de m'aider à évoluer.

Je remercie les autres aussi pour leurs médiocrité,
Car grâce à eux j'ai compris,
Que parfois le diplôme n'est qu'un bout de papier.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Damned country

Yesterday, I have got a high body temperature and a fever. My nose was blocked, I couldn’t breath. In addition,my clothes were wet like a flood of water during my sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I felt dizzy till the point I fainted. My faint gave my roommates a fright. They have called the ambulance of the dorm emergency y but It is always the same old story. The ambulance didn’t work !!! Then, after a phone call, my colleague’s friend came by his car  to accompany me to the doctor. Approximately one hour and half, we were looking for a private doctor  in the surroundings  but they were all closed. Yes!! Thurday was a day off because of ‘EL MOULOUD’ .What a fucking country!, all Algeria stops working even the sector of health; they wait impatiently this kind of moment! As I’ve got no choice, I went to the clinic of Beni Mesous. Goodness! Sooner  I forgot that I went there to treat when I saw the huge number of patients suffering from different diseases waiting their turns in vain.The worst, at  lunch time, both receptionists  went for eating  without any replacement. Suddenly I told to myself: ‘sometimes, I need to be shocked like now  to stop sniveling. ‘I really wanted to wait there just to insult them before I go back but unfortunately  I felt a terrible ache which pushed me to leave this clinic immediately and join the clinic of Dely Brahim. Luckily, I didn’t find a lot of people waiting;so,rapidly it was my turn to enter. But what a stupid doctor! it was the first time in my whole life that a doctor passed me the visit on my clothes and without looking if my blood pressure and my temperature  are OK or not. At my exit to look for a pharmacy to buy the medicaments,I found them all close too till I went to Ben aknoun where one pharmacy was open and one antibiotic was missing! Anyhow, this is Algeria ! This is our damned country ! Even with your money you can’t pass!