Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The accademic year ends

hello! my friends,i hope that you are fine.ok! i want to tell you that the year is almost over,the exams are so soon;moreover, i see that most of student are afraid and worried about them, but i still don't understand why! Normally, we had enough time to look over the lessons we did; I think that we had much information, so now we have all the condition and the means to do well.Of course thank to our helpful teachers. I am sure that if everyone carries on with good revision, he/she will pass the year easily.The exams still like the others, even those have their great importance.That's why i said that there will be no problem, if we make a short effort. In deed, i wishfrom the deep of my heat we could all pass the year and meet next year together

1 comment:

  1. Well,the year is over.In three years we`ll be teachers!lol
    We`ll be welcomed to the penible life!!hahahah
